RH Studio Arsitek
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The website www.rhstudioarsitek.com (the "Site" or "We") uses cookies or similar technologies ("Cookies") to help users get a good experience using the Service. And help us to improve the quality of our services to better meet the needs of our users. when you access our website We take the protection of personal information very seriously. In the event that the information collected through the use of cookies and other technologies is of the nature of personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Laws. We will collect the details set out in our Privacy Policy.

1. Cookies (Cookies) are small files to store information about website visits such as date and time, links clicked, pages visited. Various setting conditions will be saved in the computer device. or your accessed communication devices such as notebooks, tablets or smart phones via a web browser while you access the website.

2. Information collected from the use of cookies

when you visit our website We will automatically remember and save the information sent by your browser.

- IP address (IP Address & MAC Address) of your computer.
​ ​ - the type of your browser (Browser)
, - The page of the website you visited. or follow us on our website
- The amount of time you spend viewing such pages, products, services or information you search on the website. Entry time and date of visit as well as other statistical data.

All of these information will be collected for analysis, evaluation and to assist in the study of overall website visitor behavior. To improve the quality of the website to make it easier to use, faster and more efficient to better meet your needs.

3. Types of Cookies Used

cookie type
1. Strictly Necessary Cookies. These types of cookies allow you to access information and use the website, such as logging in to the website. or ordering so that the website can work normally is safe You will not be able to disable these types of cookies.
2. Performance Cookies These cookies enhance the efficiency of the service. To collect statistical information about your interests and website browsing behavior. We also use this information to improve and improve the functionality of the website to make it better and more suitable. The information these cookies collect is non-personally identifiable.
3. Function Cookies This type of cookie helps the website Remember the options you have set and adjust them according to the behavior and preferences of website users, such as remembering your login. ,Remember the language setting, remember the last product you have viewed To facilitate when you come back to use the website
4. Targeting Cookies This type of cookie is a cookie created by linking third-party websites such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels, LINE Tags, Tiktok Pixels to collect access information and Links you follow or visit To understand your needs and use them to improve and develop the website. Including advertisements tailored to your interests.

4. Setting and refusing cookies

You can choose to refuse the use of cookies according to your preferences. By setting your browser or privacy settings. To block the collection of data by cookies in the future. However, if you set your browser or set your privacy by refusing all cookies. You may not be able to use some or all of the functions of our website effectively.

You can manage cookies in your browser by setting with the following method

Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie Settings in Safari and iOS
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Microsoft Edge
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Opera
5. Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to third party websites or social media. Including content or videos that come from social media such as YouTube or Facebook may be embedded, which third-party websites or social media will set and set cookies by themselves. We cannot control or be responsible for those cookies. And encourage you to read and study the policies or notices on the use of cookies of those third parties as well.

6. Changes to Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy may be amended or changed as appropriate to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act or other applicable laws. We therefore encourage you to review changes to our cookie policy. This edition is periodic.

7. Contact details

If you have any questions, comments or would like more details about our Cookies Policy or compliance with this cookie policy, please contact

Data Controller
Email : arsitekrhstudio@gmail.com
Phone number : 0818876389
Contact via the form at www.rhstudioarsitek.com/contactus
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